Piston Planner Tool

A tool that can be used to place existing pistons or establish a 'work' plane to model one.

A commonly encountered error:

'Angle not 90d or zero length vector detected, op reset'

Indicates that 2 locations were in the same location (zero length vector) or that the angle between the green and blue lines/vectors is not 90 degrees, for whatever reason. Usually this hints at a modelling or placement mistake.


  • LMB/RMB - Basic tool usage
  • SPACEBAR - Select obj or Toggle obj/mesh mode if possible
  • Q - Get center - Get center between the currently selected location(yellow) and the highlighted one(red)(mesh mode only)
  • W - Use edge - Use edge to define points
  • E - Loop center (Angle based)(Edge), works similar to get center if a location is already selected
  • 1 - Set 3d cursor - Sets the 3d cursor to the first added location on finish
  • Tab - Access snap points
  • 1/2/3 - Use snap point axis to define points
  • ESC - Exit/cancel